Member-only story
Voila! The Story is Moving…
Making my bed in the morning is like brushing my teeth after breakfast every morning. I feel very uncomfortable until I make my bed. If I can’t do it right after I get up, the image of the comforter and sheets pops up in my mind every time I start a new task. If I go to the bedroom, the disgust caused by the bed’s mess distracts me. I forget what I was looking for in the room.
Making the bed is a gentle three-minute workout that, on average, makes me burn fourteen calories and raises my heart rate to 81 BPM. In these few minutes, I exercise my arms, hands, and legs. My mind creates a quick list of the things I need to do in the day. The short relaxation during these few minutes opens the door to creative ideas. Often, in these moments, I remember details from a dream or a vision emerges that give me seeds for a story or answers for another story in progress. These seeds often sprout later as those ideas reappear during the shower, and my mind keeps building the story.
Sometimes, as I make the bed, I inadvertently catch a few words from the news broadcast by the kitchen’s radio. A bell rings in my head. Wow, I never thought about that — an excellent idea for my story.
The three minutes I spend making the bed jump start my body and mind and provide excellent material for my writing activities during the day. Voila! My story is moving, and the bed is ready for a restful night tonight!