A Xmas Eve Knife Story

Marta Calderon, MScE
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!
6 min readDec 28, 2021


Carving a large bird, especially in front of hungry guests, can be a daunting task.

Photo by Libby Penner on Unsplash

This Xmas Eve, I woke up earlier than I usually do and with inexplicable anxiety. I knew I had enough time for all I planned to do before, during, and after my daughter came to visit us, but still, something was bothering me.

I meditated a few minutes in bed, hoping to calm down. I decided to better get up…



Marta Calderon, MScE
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!

Plant lover and eco-friendly gardener. Want to be an eco-friendly gardener? Join my weekly newsletter: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/sl/IyRTLEF